My Pet

 Currently I do not have a pet, it has been several years since the last one I had,  I will tell you about a pet that I had at 12 and that now is not with me.

It is a parrot, we got it by an aunt who found two birds and one of them gave it to us, we named it Cholo, well my dad gave it that name and it was fun because he obviously learned to say it, it is a Choroy parrot an endemic species of chili.

Choroy are green birds, with a red mask near the eyes, a dark red and green tail, they are large and noisy, like every good parrot learned to say a few words! like its name, "Cara de huevo", "Hola" and he learned the song of the washing machine sjajka, him it is very cute and chubby. 

We did not have it for a long time but definitely it was the best for him, it was the first exotic pet I had, it was very fun although sometimes he was not very kind, with him I learned that to have large pet birds it's necessary to have a lot of space so that they do not stress, that is why we finally gave it to some uncles from my father (we did not have enough space),  he now lives in the countryside and has plenty of space to fly and perch on branches. 


  1. How cute are the colors from the "Loro Choroy", it must have been fun to hear him repeat words jaja. I hope to have a pet parrot someday.


  2. You had to be careful with him for when you tell a secret ahahah


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